Art and Design
At Pilling St. John’s, we believe that art is a vital part of the children’s education. It plays a significant and valuable role, as they grow roots in their ability to critically observe, respond to and evaluate the world around them whether natural or created. We also strive to provide them with the opportunity to understand their own cultural heritage and that of other communities and societies through the study of local and international artists, both contemporary and historical. As the children continue their creative journey through school, they stand firm in this subject through the exploration of a wide range of skills, techniques and materials. Additionally, the children are encouraged to be bold as they pursue their own lines of enquiry and try new ideas both in the taught curriculum, and through any of the enrichment opportunities we offer our pupils.
Our curriculum is tailored to the needs of the children at Pilling St.John’s, supported by the art projects from Access Art, but underpinned by the requirements of the EYFS Framework, (particularly in the Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design area of learning) and the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum programmes of Study.
From Nursery, EYFS, and KS1 through to the end of KS2, our aim is that all children will have completed a meaningful creative journey by:
- Understanding the visual elements and language of art and design (line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape, 3D form) through effective teaching and considered sequences of lessons and experiences.
- By introducing basic skills then building upon them in areas including drawing, printmaking, sketchbooks, textiles, collage, painting and 3 dimensional artwork and sculpture.
- By building on and revisiting these skills throughout school and by the use of ongoing sketchbook work, which underpins this process.
- By fostering an open-ended exploration of creative ideas and journeys. We do not follow prescriptive outcomes; instead, we believe the role of the teacher is to create a safe and nurturing environment, which allows children to be bold and take creative risks - learning from the journey, rather than head towards a pre-defined end result.
- By learning about key artists, paintings and art movements both past and present, ensuring the children have an understanding of art in the context of the world around us now and throughout history.
- By ensuring that teaching staff are confident, providing CPD where needed to give them the knowledge and confidence to deliver the Art curriculum effectively.
- Following units of work designed and created by professional artists and art educators that allow the children to explore a wide variety of processes and materials but that also give the children a progression of knowledge and skills on which to build their learning.
- Providing the children with a wide variety of materials with which to experiment.
- Providing experiences for the children to see what ‘art’ looks like in settings other than school and home.
Additionally, we endeavour to ensure that art is given a high status in the curriculum and as such, the school holds an annual ‘Big Arts Week’: a coordinated and themed whole-school project that becomes the basis for displays across the public areas in school.
As a result:
- Children who have an appreciation of art and how it can enrich our lives.
- Children who have developed a confidence and enjoyment in this subject with opportunities to explore their creativity through individual sketchbook work.
- A variety of options to share their success and have pride in their work through classroom and whole school displays, including the outdoor environment.
- Children who have developed independence, self-reflection and critical analysis skills.