Leadership Team
Staff: Mrs Astbury
Miss Bell
Governors: TBC
At Pilling St John’s CE Primary School and Nursery we ensure all children have access to a fun and engaging, ambitious and creative curriculum that widens their life experiences. We develop confident and independent learners with motivation, curiosity and a love of learning. At PSJ we value every learning style and allow children to become active learners in their own right to allow them to direct their learning. We nurture, develop and challenge children to be aspirational and secure within themselves and their faith in order to prepare them for their future. We ensure all children develop a deep and meaningful understanding of our Christian and British values and allow them opportunities to apply these throughout their school life. We do this through:
Growing roots: through use of concrete materials showing a variety of representations and contexts.
Standing firm: embedding the use of concrete materials and resources to allow children to move in to pictorial and numerical representations.
Being bold: application of the knowledge and understanding gathered to solve problems and relate to abstract representation.
Our Mathematical aims
Useful Documents
Progression of knowledge and skills
Useful Websites