Early Birds - Breakfast Club
7.50am - 8.45am
Early Birds Staff - Mrs Lunney
The Early Birds Staff are knowledgeable and qualified. They are members of our school staff and so know the children well and are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment. We keep our staff team consistent to provide a stable environment for the children.
The Early Birds Club will run on all days that school is in session. The club will not run on teacher INSET days, Bank Holidays or in school holidays.
We strive to present a variety of fun activities and offer the children freedom to choose one that personally interests them. Our programme mixes structured activities with lots of free play time. The activities will take place inside and outside, depending on the weather. We want the children to view Early Birds as a great place to be and to settle in ready for the school day.
We supply cereal, toast, fruit and a drink of milk or water. Please be sure to note any dietary needs of your child on the booking form.
Parent Involvement
We welcome any comments you might have at any time to help us to improve our provision. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any comments or questions. If you have any further queries you must contact the School Head Teacher.
We strive to establish a positive atmosphere of mutual respect where children and staff feel valued and secure. Although the club is not 'school' the school rules still apply. Good behaviour and effort will be expected, promoted, valued and celebrated. We follow the school rules 'Be My Best, Be Respectful and Be Safe' as well as our British and Christian Values.
Session Costs
The cost for one session is £5.00 (£4.50 for siblings) and we ask for this to be paid weekly in advance. If your child attends on the day the charge will be added to ParentMail the same day. Bookings made with less than 48 hours notice will incur an additional 50p charge.
Please read our policy that can be found at the bottom of this page before making your bookings.
For regular bookings forms must be completed and these are sent out at the end of every 1/2 term, available on our website or paper copies from the school office. Weekly invoices will be sent out in advance. This will enable you to pay online via ParentMail. Last minute bookings may also be requested via email to the school bursar email or by telephoning 01253790282
Cheques to be made payable to Lancashire County Council. (We also accept childcare vouchers)