Collective Worship
Worship 2024-2025
Please see our Collective Worship Policy (below) for more detail.
We continue to worship in a variety of ways during the school week. This consists of whole school worship, worship in church, class worship, outdoor 'wild' worship (weather permitting) and individual opportunities to worship as they arise during our normal school day.
Each class has developed their own prayer and reflection area. These provide a focus for whole class worship as well as opportunities for individual reflection and exploration of current Christian themes.
Our current worship timetable is:
Monday | Whole School Collective Worship: Led by the Headteacher. This worship offers a spiritual dimension to our understanding of God. This is a chance to consider new perspectives, to reflect and re-orientate ourselves and come together as a whole school family. Fr. Peter also leads Worship on a termly basis. |
Tuesday | Prayer and Praise Worship: led by Staff and this is a chance to use our voices to lift our spirits, come together as a School family and worship God, |
Wednesday | Bible focused Worship: Led by the RE Subject Leader. This is an opportunity to learn more about the scripture, stories and lessons from the Bible. It is a chance to consider new themes and apply the teachings of Jesus to our own lives. |
Thursday | Picture News Worship: Staff led - this is an opportunity to be informed, discuss and reflect on ‘Bigger Picture’ global issues and events. It helps our pupils to broaden their cultural capital and to understand the potential impact of local, national and global issues. This helps them to become the ‘advocates’ of God’s creation and encourages them to be global citizens. |
Friday | Celebration assembly: Led by the Headteacher. This is an opportunity for the whole school family and local community to come together to celebrate success and achievement. Children are rewarded for their achievements in line with our school values. They are encouraged to share their ‘out of school’ achievements - bringing the focus back to our school values and drivers. |
PSJ Collective Worship Timetable 2024-25
Our Worship Leaders play an important role in leading, improving and evaluating worship in school. They meet regularly, with the Headteacher and RE Subject Leader, to plan worship and other prayer and reflection opportunities.
The Worship Leaders are clear about their role and a 'Job Description' supports them in understanding their roles and responsibilities as PSJ Worship Leaders.
PSJ Worship Leaders 2024-25